Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pictures and Palolo

This little baby and I are getting pretty close. I now know a total of 5 chords! I can even play them without looking...practice makes perfect, right? Several students have offered to teach me so I'm taking up their offers this Friday for my first official lesson! (BTW: don't I look super uber matchy in this picture? I also do look sort of "brown" now, don't I? Hmm.)

These are the bracelets I bought in Apia at the market. I paid a total of 5USD for both. They are handwoven, handpainted, and handcarved from coconut. Seki a!
This was my most exciting purchase from the market: a handcarved, turtle shaped, coconut shell Q necklace! Q is such a hard letter to's never on any of those gas station keychains or necklaces (not that I would ever buy one of those things, but still!) and it's never on coffee mugs or stuff like that. I like that I have to come all the way to Samoa to find one!

Fancy earrings, complete with Polynesian art.
More fancy earrings!

In other news, tonight officially marks Palolo night (or so I have heard). What is Palolo, you ask and why does it get a night to itself? Palolo is a sea creature...aka a creepy looking spaghetti-ish shaped worm that floats up to the surface of the ocean two times a year. They pop up around 2 a.m. and apparently glow really bright, so half the Samoan population (or so I'm guessing) head out to the ocean and scoop them up with a net. They then proceed to eat them (gag). Some are eaten raw, others are cooked with butter and onions. I think I'll just watch. Maybe I'll eat a raw one? Why the heck not? Anyways, the Leone household will be leaving our home at 10:15, driving to the village of Fogagogo (try to say that one in Samoan!), and then trekking the half hour walk to Airport Beach. Thank goodness I have a headlamp. It's gonna be a late night...I should probably go take a nap.

Here's some background info: Palolo Worm  (I'm sorry if the pictures gross you out - don't worry, they gross me out too and I might be eating that - um, ew).

Fa soifua!


Mom said...

The uke picture is beautiful (even in that skirt I almost didn't send!)and I
Love the jewelry! A Q in a turtle!

Those worms look like something Franklin would like to eat and I'm glad it's not me having to make the decision whether to try the worm or not. More power to you!

Mom said...

The uke picture is beautiful (even in that skirt I almost didn't send!)and I
Love the jewelry! A Q in a turtle!

Those worms look like something Franklin would like to eat and I'm glad it's not me having to make the decision whether to try the worm or not. More power to you!

Jovan and Rich said...

Amazing, Quinn! BUT those worms?! I'm not sure I'd even consider eating one! Yuck! The jewelry is beautiful! And yes, you're pretty brown! haha Love you!

Kat said...

QUINN! Worms! So cool!
I hope you took some pictures, or at least tried to! That is most definetly worth staying up late and being uber tired today. Yay for coffee and amazing moms ;)

Umm...soo..did you eat one?

The Q necklace is so AWESOME! Definetly better than I pictured it.

Love you Q!

Kristine said...

Quinn - I can't wait to hear if you ate a worm (raw or cooked). Good for you to continue to take advantage of all these opportunities offered to you.

Btw - it's 41 degrees in Chicago this morning. Brrrrrr.